The scandalous waste in NI

Security alert at peace wall at Conway St in West Belfast. Among the many aspects of waste in NI, says Tom Ekin, is the fact that no one is put in charge of the Peace Walls project.  

Picture by Jonathan Porter/PressEye.comSecurity alert at peace wall at Conway St in West Belfast. Among the many aspects of waste in NI, says Tom Ekin, is the fact that no one is put in charge of the Peace Walls project.  

Picture by Jonathan Porter/
Security alert at peace wall at Conway St in West Belfast. Among the many aspects of waste in NI, says Tom Ekin, is the fact that no one is put in charge of the Peace Walls project. Picture by Jonathan Porter/
It seems to me that '˜Real Taxpayers' should shout from the rooftops about the scandalous waste which goes on in Northern Ireland.

Real Taxpayers are those who run businesses, create wealth and pay taxes on that created wealth.

Taxpayers, on the other hand, take the real taxpayers’ tax as wages, and then give back a portion, ie that is their “tax contribution”.

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Look at the waste which we have seen over the last few years. Some examples:

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor

Energy from Waste, after years of study and many visits to successful sites throughout Europe, the Belfast project was rejected by Sinn Fein on totally illogical grounds, despite the very substantial financial and other benefits to everyone in Belfast.

The rejection by Sinn Fein of merger of the two teachers’ training colleges to reduce duplication and costly wastage

The continuing blight of barriers to normal living throughout Belfast, is so wasteful of young lives and their opportunities.

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No one is put in charge of the ‘Peace Walls’ project. The process continues to waffle in the swamp of no-one taking full responsibility, while many good people work at street level.

Letters to EditorLetters to Editor
Letters to Editor

What is Sinn Fein about? Demanding an inquiry with no budget limit on the RHI debacle. Presumably the former finance minister (and businessman) knows that open-ended brief to the legal profession can end up in years of increasing costs .

The politicians bleat about austerity (imposed by others) when we have plenty of examples of local costly incompetence, and possibly worse. Need I go on?

We need more people who see this waste to raise their voices.

We have often been accused of being far too comfortable with substandard subsidised life style.

Tom Ekin,

Former Lord Mayor of Belfast, Belfast BT9